Six Things I Loved About August
August was a fantastic month! I've always loved August. Although it is bloody hot in Texas during August I love the fact that fall is right around the corner. Football season starts which is a mainstay in our home. My birthday happens which is always fun and it makes me start thinking about autumn which is my all time favorite season.
I wanted to take a moment to look back at this past month and recap all the wonderful things that happened and get ready to jump into fall!
1.) Moving into our first home. This has been the ultimate joy in our lives recently. I love coming home to our little nest and enjoying the evenings with Collin, Gwen and our own tiny and comfortable space. I also love that we have a home for guests. We set up the guest room immediately so that we could invite our loved ones over. We are ready for dinner parties and weekend guests. We should start a reservation book!
Backyard sunsets
2.) My birthday. My 25th birthday marked quite a milestone. 25 seems like you are really an adult. You are responsible, mature, and are ready to take on the next phase. I hope that's true and I hope I'm ready! Collin made this birthday absolutely incredible. When Collin asks me what I want for my birthday I usually don't have anything particular in mind. I'd rather spend time with my hubs watching a movie at home. Collin surprised me with beautiful flowers (that still look good two weeks later) and a notebook filled with reasons why he loves me. I melted as I read each one. Perfect gift.
Beautiful birthday flowers.
3.) Football. Yes, I know that may seem quite silly to some people but I love football. Collin and I love rooting for our alma mater and watching with our families. We take road trips down to my parents house during football season a lot. It's a family tradition. Football, food, and family.
4.) Weekends. I live for the weekend. That's a fact. I love spending time with my little family. We love taking small weekend trips to visit family, drive up to Austin to hang with the hipsters, or stay at home with Netflix and popcorn. Those are some of my favorite memories of married life so far.
Weekend fun!
Puppy loves the lake house
5.) Trip planning. Collin finally gave in and I have started to plan our next getaway. Planning vacations always makes me smile. I can't wait to blog about where we are going. But for now we'll keep it a secret.
Saving Abel Concert
6.) Friends. Collin and I have become friends with some fabulous people and some of our closest friends we just met within this past year. Dinner, drinks, friends and food...these are a few of my favorite things (I had to break into a Sound of Music jam just then). We have been able to spend some amazing evenings with great people.
I'd love to hear about your August! As we get ready for autumn, what are some things you loved about the last month of summer?