All in Travel

Burg Breuberg

With our map in tow we pin pointed the next historic site we wanted to visit and narrowed it down to Burg Breuberg (Breuberg Castle). 

Headed to the Beach

We checked out of Table Rock Jungle Lodge after another delicious breakfast and waited for our driver to arrive. We had made plans to go cave tubing later that morning. 

Hiking, Canoeing, and Tubing in Belize

We awoke to another day in paradise. We decided to go on a hike on the lodge's three hiking trails. They highly suggested we talk a walking stick if we would be adventuring to the 'red trail' and thank goodness we did. The rain the night before made the Earth very soft and squishy. 

Table Rock Jungle Lodge

Collin and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary this summer and decided to head to Belize for tropical jungles and sandy beaches. We landed in Belize City under cover of clouds and drizzle. But our hopes were high that we would see sunshine as we found our luggage and walked out into the humid air to find our driver. We hopped in the car and started our two hour road trip to Table Rock Jungle Lodge. The last 5 miles were a bit interesting as it was an unpaved road and the car didn't really appreciate the multitude of tiny boulders in our way. 

New Years in Fredericksburg

I know, I know. Where the heck have I been? It's been far too long since my last post and a little late for New Years posts but alas here I am! I really wanted to share this trip that Collin and I took to ring in 2015.

Travel Bug

Anyone else ever get the travel bug?  It's hitting me something fierce recently.  Collin and I have a pact that each year we will go on at least one trip.  I'm ignoring the fact that we have already been on one trip this year and working on planning the next.

Wimberley Wedding - Day 3

Collin and I woke on our last day in Wimberley exhausted from the night's festivities.  Luckily we got to sleep in to try to regain some of our strength.  We were hungry and looking for some grub.  We got ready, packed up the car, and took one last look at the magnificent view from the back porch.

Wimberley Wedding - Day 2

The mister and I woke the next day surprisingly refreshed and ready for another day of celebration.  We awoke to a stunningly beautiful day.  We took our coffee out to the back porch and slowly soaked in the surrounding nature and nibbled on oatmeal.  After catching up with Collin's parents and deciding the plan for the day we headed inside to get ready. 

Wimberley Wedding - Day 1

Tis the season for weddings and man oh man did we get invited to a great one.  This past weekend Collin and I went to a fabulous wedding in Wimberley, TX.  Now for those of you that don't know about the hill country you are sorely missing out.  It is the best part of Texas, hands down.